Raccoon Damage And Health Risks

Raccoon Damage And Health Risks

Raccoons prove to be quite the risk on the health front. However, the dangers associated with these mammals do not end there.

Food and shelter are the primary necessities of a raccoon and its family, and several years of increased interaction with human habitat, these bandit-masked mammals have found that a human home is often the provider of both. However, while raccoons find their food in our garbage cans, birdfeeders, trees and even in the bowls of food that were actually meant for our pets, as well as shelter in our attics, chimneys and garages, they also cause a lot of property damage in their quest for the same.

Whether it is tearing down fences, digging holes in the garden or even through the walls of your home, or damaging utility lines while building their dens, raccoons are capable of causing quite a lot of financial ruin as far as homeowners are concerned. Now, while there is no limit to the damage raccoons can cause on a property, there is also no limit to the risk involved in handling these creatures while removing and relocating them, and this is where professional pest control agencies like Pest Control Ajax step in with their efficient and safe services.

Raccoons are dangerous when confronted, especially female raccoons that may be trying to protect their young, and have often got into fights with pets and even stood up against humans. In such a scenario, the scratches or bites from a raccoon can prove to be quite harmful. A raccoon infected with the deadly Rabies virus may prove to be even more aggressive than usual in such situations and any violent contact, or even contact with the saliva of this infected animal is capable of passing on this dreadful virus to a victim.

And Rabies isn’t the only deadly disease a raccoon is capable of transmitting either.  The feces and urine of raccoons are infested with several bacteria and viruses, making these bandit-masked animals recognized disease vectors. On the list of serious diseases that raccoons can pass on through their waste matter that contaminates soil and water are Leptospirosis, Giardia, Salmonella and Raccoon Roundworm. In some cases, a raccoon may simply use your property to pass through, and even in this short duration, could end up depositing a host of bacteria and viruses on it.

Therefore, when it comes to raccoons, keeping them away is the only way to avoid serious health risks. If you are experiencing raccoon problems give us a call for professional raccoon removal Ajax: 905-756-4235